After mark making and printing with paint on both sides of a large sheet of heavy weight cartridge paper, I decided to tear it into smaller sheets and stitch it into a book. This has given me some interesting surfaces to draw, paint and collage more moths, butterflies and other winged things onto.
I quite like the fact that with some of the watercolour paints, the marks from the pages can be seen shining through, giving extra visual interest.
I cut around the wings of the moth above, to give a 3D effect when the page is open, rather like some of the children's books do.
There are some rather lovely printable vintage images of moths and butterflies online which I have collaged onto a few of the pages.
This project seems to be evolving as I go along, I haven't really planned it in any way, but really, it's been a case of finding something creative to do during all this heat! (I'm also fascinated by insects, especially moths!)
More pages to work into still, so I will be adding those in a later post.